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There is No Planet B

As technology advances and Co2 emissions increase, more and more organisations, collectives, individuals and brands such as Bullfeet, are joining the "No Planet B" campaign. Yet, do we know what it really means? Furthermore, what are its main purposes? Read on to find out.

What does "There is no Planet B" mean?

As the world's population has grown tenfold to more than 8 billion in just two centuries, our planet has completely changed. Resources are limited, yet ever more people need to eat, more households need water and energy supplies, as do more cars need fuel. The scientific community's prediction is not encouraging: either we do something for our planet globally for the better, or we are in serious danger, since we have no other planet, there is no planet "B".

Who first said "There is No Planet B"?

The british philosopher John Locke. An Oxford educated multi-faceted thinker, who laid the foundations of empiricism and liberalism. Throughout his work, he also made significant contributions to a number of fields. With regard to science, he established the following rule: "A human being may only appropiate a part of nature if there is enough, and as good left to others".

Likewise, the British researcher and professor at the Lancaster University in the UK, Mike Berners (an expert on carbon footprints), talks in depth about this subject in his book; "There Is No Planet B".

How did the "No Planet B" movement originate?

Everything began with the motto "Fridays for Future" (FFF), a project that stands up for Earth's protection, which emerged in Sweden in August 2018, led by the well-known Greta Thunberg and other young activists. For three weeks they gathered in front of the Swedish Parliament, demanding action from governments against the pressing climate crisis threat.

According to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an intergovernmental UN body created in 1988, consisting of leading scientists predicted that by 2030 (in less than a decade), if action is not taken in favour of the planet, the consequences will be irreversible.

So what are we doing wrong?

The figures are truly appalling. Around 80% of the ocean waste comes from land-based sources, from which 30 million are cans and bottles. To name but a few facts that are destroying our planet, read below:

  • Vehicles pollution.
  • Mindless consumerism.
  • Mass production.
  • Plastics.
  • Lack of investment in sustainable products.
  • Animal-based products.

At Bullfeet we invite you to watch the following video:

How will climate change affect our environment?

Despite the evidences that our planet is in serious danger, especially considering the natural disasters ocurred in recent years, such as floods, fires, hurricanes, etc. Yet some people still refuse to admit that this threat is real and imminent.

It's obvious that the implementation of urgent measures is paramount, if we want to avoid the devastating consequences, such as the ones listed as follows:

  • To 2030 it is estimated that global warming will increase by 1,5º C. Causing sea levels to rise, melting glaciers, thus leading to the extinction of many flora and fauna species.
  • Cities such as Venice could disappear.
  • Floods.
  • Wildfires; forests loss.
  • Droughts.
  • Diseases; biodiversity destruction could lead to viruses spreading.

What can we do to avoid climate change?

Each and every one of us is responsible for preventing the planet's decline. Fortunately, even though we are "running late", we're still on time!

At Bullfeet we are planet conscious, which is why both our production processes, and the materials we use to make our products, are eco-friendly. Most of which are made of recycled, 100% sustainable and entirely free of animal raw materials.

Additionally, we have no stock, our philosophy is based on producing exclusively for each of our customers in a traditional way, producing no waste, as opposed to mass production. So this is how we make our eco-sneakers.

Moreover, the entire production process is carried out at our facilities in Almansa (a town in the province of Albacete). By locating all the production in a single place, not only we avoid road transportation, but reduce Co2 emissions, as well as promoting the local economy.

We aim for future generations to be able to inhabit our planet. Read below for a few tips, and don't forget the 3 R's!:

REUSE: Using paper sheets on both sides, or giving a second life to products you no longer use.

RECYCLE: You can create compost for your plants with coffee grounds or food waste. Separate your household waste into different containers.

REDUCE: Cut down on compulsive shopping, this way you will also save money. Use energy and water responsibly.

Despite the efforts and developments in science and technology, the fact remains that there is no "Planet B" as yet. So we must use all means possible, for the sole purpose of preserving our planet.

At Bullfeet we encourage you to join the "Eco-fashion"; our way of seeing fashion. We use sustainable and vegan fabrics, most of which are recycled. In fact, one of our latest additions is a fabric made from recycled clothing. We shred the clothes, obtaining fibres with which we'll later produce our custom-sneakers. In other words, we give a new life to clothing that was destined to end up in landfills, while promoting the circular economy.

Actually this isn't all, we also promote upcycling; turning products meant for disposal, to new ones of same or higher value, with new functionalities. If you want to know more about this topic, check out our blog destined to it called: "What is Upcycling? Upcycling vs Recycling" where you'll find everything you need to know about it.

Are you thinking about what mark you want to leave?