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Frequently asked questions

What fabrics and materials do you work with?

Deciding which fabrics and materials to choose from to design and personalise your footwear or bag is the most important decision Our materials are sustainable and environmentally friendly complying with the OEKO-TEx certification requirements.

Here we tell you about the fabrics and materials that you can find in the customiser and what are their most outstanding features.

VEGANOA - One of our most distinctive fabrics. Vegan leather of great resistance and durability made in a sustainable way. It is scratch resistant and liquid repellent. Very easy to clean, just wipe it with a damp cloth and it will as good as new. You can find two varieties.

ROUGH- Visually and rougher to the touch.

CLEAN- Visually smoother and softer to the touch.

PET FABRICS- Made from recycled plastic waste from the oceans. Fabrics that resemble denim or similar textures. Such as denim fabrics or animal print.

RECYCLED CORK- Threaded with organic and ecological cottons that results in this soft and extraordinary material that succeeds among all those who try it.

RECYCLED PAPER- Made from recycled paper and cardboard.

HEMP- Naturally derived fabric used as an alternative to cotton plantations that require many more resources to grow. It is traditionally grown in a sustainable way and is a plant that biodegrades in a short space of time. The hemp fibres we use are the remains of the plants used to grow CBD for pharmaceutical companies.

RECYCLED CLOTHING- Clothing that is destined to end up in landfills as it is not suitable for re-use nor to be donated, therefore it is shredded and used to produce the fabrics from which to make bags or sneakers.

SOLES MADE FROM  PLASTIC BOTTLE RECYCLED TOPS- Soles made from recycled rubber and plastic bottle tops waste.

SOLES WITH RECYCLED CORK REMAININGS- Soles made from recycled rubber and cork scraps.

SHOELACES FROM RECYCLED THREAD- Sustainably made from recycled thread scraps.